ITW switches

安天德百電股份有限公司 :
ITW集團(Illinois Tool Works)總部位於美國伊芳立諾州的芝加哥,是一家有著近百年歷史的跨國集團,為一多角化的製造業。公司位列美國200強之內,並在紐約股票市場上市 


星維國際有限公司 :
星維代理銷售ITW 安天德百電股份有限公司是台灣一家專業在微動開關行業,螺絲業,扣具,連接器的製造服務商. 成立於西元1970年並擁有超過46年的按鈕開關, 防水按鈕開關, 金屬開關, 按鍵開關, 觸碰感應型開關, 微動開關, 極限開關, 指撥開關, 旋轉開關製造經驗, 安天德百電總是可以達到客戶各種品質的要求.

Illinois Tool Works :
In 1912, Chicago financier Byron Smith placed an ad in the Economist looking to provide capital to a "high class business (manufacturing preferred) in or near Chicago." When a group of inventors with an idea to improve gear grinding came along, Illinois Tool Works was born. From these humble beginnings, the company endured the uncertainties of war and recessions, expanded into businesses across the globe, and transformed entire industries through simple yet ingenious solutions.
Since our founding more than 100 years ago, ITW has become one of the world’s leading diversified manufacturers of specialized industrial equipment, consumables, and related service businesses. ITW businesses serve local customers and markets around the globe, with a significant presence in developed as well as emerging markets. 

With good connections and sufficient resources, Seeway offer our service as agent of ITW. Based in Taiwan, ITW Electronic Business Asia Co., Ltd., since 1970, is a leading manufacturer of switches, jumper, DIL, fastener, damper, connector and IC package solutions for various electronic components.Because of steady collaboration, we have a place in the line.
We promised that we would always make sure to meet each customer's demands!